So geht sächsisch 04

Wie's itz uns oarmen Wabern gitt

for 8 Voices / 4+4 / Duration 04:22

text: N.N.
composition: Peer Baierlein 

vocal ensemble: AuditivVokal
musical director / conductor: Olaf Katzer
Marlene Walter - S1
Katharina Salden - S2
Marie Bieber - A1
Stefan Kunath - Altus
Benjamin Mahns-Mardy - T1
Felix Cantzler - T2
Nikolai Füchte - B1
Sebastian Gayowsky - B2

'Abteilung Musik und AV-Medien der SLUB Dresden'
conductorship: Prof. Dr. Barbara Wierman
editorial: Katrin Bicher
picture: Heiko Gabriel
sound: Niklas Wenzel

recording: Live-Recording Frauenkirche Dresden


'SO GEHT SÄCHSISCH' is a project by the vocal ensemble AuditivVokal.

Traditions play a special role in the Erzgebirge. In addition to the famous art of wood carving, singing and making music in the local dialect is also practiced. The four pieces 'Bleibn mer noch e wing do', 'O sel'ge Weihnachtszeit', 'Wie's itz un oarmen Wabern gitt' and 'Vu oalln is woass do' which I composed/arranged for this occasion are presented in this dialect.

Traditional melodies are combined with modern composition techniques.