for Jazz Quartet / tp p b dr / Duration 06:16

comp.: Peer Baierlein

as played by the 'South Quartet'
Peer Baierlein (tp)
Ull Möck (p)
Davide Petrocca (b)
Matthias Daneck (dr)

recorded 2015 by Uwe Schenk
released on: 22.02.2015


--------- You can listen to the whole recording on spotify or youTube ---------

Behind South Quartet are four distinctive individualists from the wild south of, confident, and stylistically independent. In mutual artistic harmony, but also interspersed with playful provocations and stimulating contrasts, the four musicians engage in a lively exchange of creative ideas.

Uli Möck plays the piano with virtuosity and sensitivity, Simon Schallwig provides the foundation on the double bass, and Matthias Daneck grooves energetically and tirelessly on the drums. In their respective roles, they demonstrate immense creativity and versatility. Consistently avoiding standardized accompaniment patterns, always on the move, always ready for surprises, and with an eye on the big picture, they constantly challenge the audience’s attention.

Jazz trumpeter Peer Baierlein sets the melodic structures and formal cornerstones with his assertive and characteristic sound, which can be both soft and powerful.

The four musicians belong to a generation of artists who know no prejudices, exclusively play original compositions, but still connect to tradition while simultaneously venturing into uncharted territory using new methods.